Sunday, May 1, 2011

Research Paper Thesis/ jobs

Ok so, I beleive were getting closer to finalizaing our thesis, but in the meantime, research, research , research. Also we need those interviews from everyone ASAP, those are what will help us develop our paper, hence it is extremely important that we get those and post them on our blog. Please be posting all information you may find regarding our research topic! From looking at the Western Neighborhoods Project we have developed a basic thesis:

---What sparked the change between demographics in the Noriega St. community. White( European, American) to Chinese.

In light of the newly configured thesis, I believe we can divide up the greater parts of our paper now.Each person will have one numbered focus:

1) Intro/ Conclusion(grammar, revising, transitions, etc.)
2)Past history of causasian demographics and businesses in the area.
3) Current information on demographics and businesses in the area.
4)Transition from Caucasian to Chinese area.
5)Transition for Caucasian to Chinese area.

Also, please keep in mind we need to finalize our thesis by tuesday and divide our jobs up then too. In addition to this, we should have our parts written by no later than this friday. We also need to discuss a time, in class on tuesday, that we can meet up this coming weekend to get everything together for the paper and presentation. We will be doing a video, so we will need two people collaborating on that as well. Video should be done and finalized by the tuesday before we present.

--JeRevien Richeson

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