Please have your section of the research paper done by Friday. You will need to print it out and bring it with you to our meeting. Also please post it on the blog before then, revise it the best you can on your own, include ALL of your resources so that Raymond may make a bibliography, and also post all interviews and resources you used on the blog. We will be meeting between the Annexes on Friday at 1 pm to put our essay together and help Raymond out. We will also be putting the movie together and straightening up this blog for the public to view. Please don't miss this meeting and be sure to bring your section! See you then!
Email me if you need help or have any questions. Take a look a the blog if you need resources, and post them if you find more!!Good Luck!
* In order of paper format
Raymond- Intro/Conclusion- plus revisions, transitions and bibliography
Jason- History of Asians(Chinese) in San Francisco roughly :1960- 1980
Michele-history of noriega business district and community(caucasian)
Joyce- What caused the community demographics to change so drastically form 1960- now --THESIS!!
JeRevien- 1980- Present Day Chinese community
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