Paper Format
I. First page/Cover Page
· Names, Group Number, Date, Course Number and Discussion Section, Professor’s name
· ALL pages should be numbered
II. Title
· Title should be on the first page, either as a creative or descriptive title
III. Formatting
· Margins – 1 inch margins with standard 11 or 12 pt. font
· Spacing – All pages should be double spaced including bibliography and endnotes (if you choose this format). Footnotes may be single spaced.
IV. Introduction
· Introduce your interviewee
· Provide the goal of your interview and paper with a thesis statement (what you are proving or trying to argue).
V. Body
· Provide the history/foundation of the topic (e.g. general history of the community/group the individual belongs to, immigration background etc..)
· Analysis of the information – SUMMARIZATION is not analyzing the information. Critically review the information to answer the questions some questions such as: how did this occur, what is the historical context, what do I think of this, why or why not.
· Use transition words from one paragraph to the next. (e.g. “however,” “furthermore,” “in addition,” or “similarly”)
VI. Conclusion
· Short review or summary of the information provided in the body
· Answer the thesis question.
· Close the paper with a final thought or opinion
VII. Bibliography
· Citation of books, sources, and interviews used in the paper
Author Last Name, first name. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication/
Chan, Sucheng. Asian Americans: An Interpretive History. New York : Twain, 1991.
Note Form
First Name Last Name, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication) Page Cited.
Sucheng Chan, Asian Americans: An Interpretive History (New York: Twain, 1991) 50.
Name of Interviewee, Personal Interview, Date of Interview.
Jane Chan, Personal Interview, July 12, 2007.
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