Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Observation from 3/5 and 3/31

Saturday, March 5th from 7PM-8PM:
-Due to the time of observation, it was mostly restaurants that were open at this hour.
-Many of the restaurants around 32-34th Ave were Chinese-based.
-19th-22nd Ave had a bit more diversity with the restaurants. Some were Japanese and some were Korean.
-Most of the people I saw were eating at various restaurants, there were few wanderers.
-There was slight rain around this time, likely to have an effect on the amount of people wandering outside.
-I saw mostly middle-aged people(around the 40-50 range) eating at these restaurants. There were some occasional sightings of kids(about 10 years old), indicating the presence of some families as well.
-Most of the people were likely to be Chinese(heard many instances of Cantonese with some occasional Mandarin).
-A couple middle-aged Chinese men were seen smoking outside various restaurants while having a conversation.
-Strangely enough, there was a notable amount of white people wandering around the 19th-24th Ave area. 

Thursday, March 31th(Somewhat unintentional, but noticed some differences) from 5PM-6PM:
-There was a notably large number of children playing along the sidewalks with their parents(mostly around 28-34th Ave). Was definitely due to Spring Break.
-The weather was also quite sunny around this time so that could affected their activities.
-Couple of high school students roaming around 22nd-26th Ave. Most were Asian(Not too sure exactly what ethnicity but wouldn't be surprised if at least half of the ones observed were Chinese).
-There was a big cluster of traffic around 30th-34th Ave. Could be due to the Safeway located in that area, but it wasn't something I've noticed before(usually there isn't a problem with traffic).
-During this time period, I mostly saw children(I'd say the average was around the 7-10 range) and high school students.

My apologies for taking so long to post my observations.
-Jason Lew

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