Friday, April 29, 2011

Interview Questions

Here are the interview questions, please add some of your own ideas!
  1. What is your name?
  2. Are you the owner of this busines?
  3. Is this a family run business; and if so are you related to the owner?
  4. Are you 1st 2nd or 3rd generation?
  5. Is the owner 1st 2nd or 3rd generation?
  6. What is the name of this business?
  7. What type of business is this?
  8. When was this business opened?
  9. What motivated you to open this business?
  10. What sparked community development?
  11. What would you say is the main cultural influence in this area?
  12. When did this community really begin to develop?
  13. What type of businesses were here before you opened yours?
  14. How has the community changed since you first moved here?
  15. Hvae many businesses in the area closed down since you opened yours?
  16. How has the purpose of this business community changed since you have lived here?
  17. What brings this community together and what type of bonds do they share?


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Business Summaries: 19th Ave- 26th Avenue

So I don't have a scanner right now but this is the basic research I have done for my section. I am still trying to find many of the names of the business propietors but I believe I will have to go out and do field research in order to attain that information. Hence, here is the information:

Noriega Street from 19th Avenue to 26th Avenue
*Business Name, location, date established, and business proprietor
1.      Bashfull Bull Hamburgers :1222 Noriega St.: 1983:
2.      Fujiyama-Ya Japanese: 1234 Noriega St.:1989:
3.      Bank of East Asia USA:1250 Noriega St.:-:
4.      Golden Island Café:1300 Noriega St.:1994:
5.      Little Beijing: 1316 Noriega St.:1994:
6.      J&R Grocery:1322 Noriega St.:1988
7.      Pine Restaurant: 1330 Noriega St.:2001
8.      Avenue Lounge:1334 Noriega St.:-:
9.      Romanov Real Estate:1410 Noriega St.:1989
10.  Asian American Food:1426 Noriega St.:1989:
11.  Bank of America:2325 Noriega St.:-:
12.  Neon Shade Hair Fashion:1500 Noriega St.:1989
13.  Greenhouse Pharmacy:1516 Noriega St.:1980:
14.  Jumbo Seafood:1532 Noriega St.:1996
15.  Vision Performance:1588 Noriega St.:2003
16.  Moniserv:1600A Noriega St.: 2003
17.  Whelan Academy of Irish Dance:1612 Noriega St.:1998
18.  Henrys House of Coffee:1618 Noriega St.:
19.  Sunset  76: 1700 Noriega St.: 2005
20.  Norbay Insurance Services:1728 Noriega St.:2003:
21.  Walgreens:1750 Noriega St.:-:
22.  Xing Xing Art Studio: 1800 Noriega St.:2006
23.  Klestoff Michael Reality:1812 Noriega St.: 1981
24.  Kevin Chui Herbal Etc.:1842 Noriega St.: 1995:
1.      Noriega Teriyaki House:1755 Noriega St.:1991
2.      La Boughan’s Florist &Gifts: 1709 Noriega St.: 1999
3.      Professional Skin and Body Care Inc.:1651 Noriega St.:1994
4.      Hong Kong Modern Hair Design :1633 Noriega St.:1998
5.      Gooder Supply Inc.: 1605 Noreiga St.: 2005:
6.      A&W Contractors:1549 Noriega St.:1983
7.      Hawaiian Drive Inn: 1501 Noriega St.:2006:
8.      Farmers Insurance:1931 Noriega St.:1978: James Lee
9.      Lotus:1395 Noriega St.:2006
10.  Peking:1375 Noriega St.:1980
11.  Café Bakery &Restaurant :1365 Noriega St.:1994
12.  Lynn Mojica DMD:1331 Noriega St.:-: Lynn R. Mojica
13.  Ice House:1311 Noriega St.:2001:
14.  East West Bank: 1301 Noriega St.:-:
15.  Lanna Thai:1245 Noriega St.:1995
16.  ITC Medical Supplies:1235 Noriega St.:
17.  Harvest Christian Bookstore:1239 Noriega St.:1993

-JeRevien Richeson

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Observation from 3/5 and 3/31

Saturday, March 5th from 7PM-8PM:
-Due to the time of observation, it was mostly restaurants that were open at this hour.
-Many of the restaurants around 32-34th Ave were Chinese-based.
-19th-22nd Ave had a bit more diversity with the restaurants. Some were Japanese and some were Korean.
-Most of the people I saw were eating at various restaurants, there were few wanderers.
-There was slight rain around this time, likely to have an effect on the amount of people wandering outside.
-I saw mostly middle-aged people(around the 40-50 range) eating at these restaurants. There were some occasional sightings of kids(about 10 years old), indicating the presence of some families as well.
-Most of the people were likely to be Chinese(heard many instances of Cantonese with some occasional Mandarin).
-A couple middle-aged Chinese men were seen smoking outside various restaurants while having a conversation.
-Strangely enough, there was a notable amount of white people wandering around the 19th-24th Ave area. 

Thursday, March 31th(Somewhat unintentional, but noticed some differences) from 5PM-6PM:
-There was a notably large number of children playing along the sidewalks with their parents(mostly around 28-34th Ave). Was definitely due to Spring Break.
-The weather was also quite sunny around this time so that could affected their activities.
-Couple of high school students roaming around 22nd-26th Ave. Most were Asian(Not too sure exactly what ethnicity but wouldn't be surprised if at least half of the ones observed were Chinese).
-There was a big cluster of traffic around 30th-34th Ave. Could be due to the Safeway located in that area, but it wasn't something I've noticed before(usually there isn't a problem with traffic).
-During this time period, I mostly saw children(I'd say the average was around the 7-10 range) and high school students.

My apologies for taking so long to post my observations.
-Jason Lew

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Friday March 25th, Evening

Hey everyone, so I went down to Noriega on Friday evening to see if I could answer any of the questions I was asking in the earlier blog.
Heres what I found:
Most of the streets were empty, even more than on a normal week day.  I found that a bit surprising, and it made me figure that this place might not be the "go to" area for youth.  
I see more younger children, this is probably because it is a Friday night and most of the children I had seen were going to dinner with their parents.  
I see few elderly people.  I see few young people.  More couples.  (well its friday and that means date night) 
It was much more bustling a few more people, mostly families, but honestly its still very quiet, and most of the stores besides the restaurants are closed at this point.  The only place that I see many people coming in and out of is the Cheung Hing restaurant.  I took a closer look and decided to eat there.  Every one working there was Chinese, spoke in Chinese, and even to me, which appearance wise, I do not look Chinese.  But, everyone was friendly, and it seemed like they were very open with anyone coming in, and catering to our needs.  

Im kinda surprised.  I expected to see more people, and I wanted to see if any younger people were around this area.  But I didn't see many.  I need to do some more research to make sure I didn't miss any groups.  Thanks for reading.